Food Matters delivers a food and wellbeing programme in recognition of the connection between diet and mental health.

For the most vulnerable members of our society eating well can be a challenge.  Yet it is these people who are most likely to suffer from mental health problems and who are most in need of food and drink which can support, nurture and contribute to improved health.

Mental health problems affect more than 25 per cent of all people at some point in their lives. These figures rise dramatically for many vulnerable groups including those within the penal system, substance mis-users and the homeless.

We developed the FAB! Food and Wellbeing training programme in response to the growing body of evidence demonstrating the link between diet and mental wellbeing.

The groups we worked with were likely to have mental health issues, for example the homeless, substance misusers, the elderly, those living in sheltered housing, offenders and vulnerable young people.

The participants of programmes we develop and deliver have to be at the centre of what we do. Not only so that we design a programme fit for purpose but so that we can embed the principle that healthy food habits are an essential building block to rehabilitation.

We continue our advocacy and lobbying work in this area to help build better structures which support individuals.

At any one time, about 10% of the adult population is suffering from a mental or behavioural disorder.

Find out more

Read our FAB Food and Wellbeing publications.

Get In Touch

Reach out to the Food Matters team to find out more about what we do, get involved or to collaborate with us on a future project.

Get In Touch

Get in touch with the Food Matters team to find out more about what we do or get involved. We also want to hear from you if you would like to collaborate with us on a future project.