Read our latest project updates below
Food Partnership Support
Supporting Food Partnerships to create meaningful change in their local food systems
REDI for Change Review Tool
A framework to help food partnerships and other food sector organisations review their Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion practices
Interactive Webinars
Food Matters designs and delivers interactive webinars on food and wellbeing.
Food Partnership Remobilisation
A process to ensure local communities are at the heart of a sustainable healthy food landscape.
Good Food East Sussex
Developing ways of working at a local level across East Sussex to deliver food system change.
Greater Brighton: The Future of Food
Developing costings for food system investments across the Greater Brighton Region.
Lewes House Community Garden
Evaluating the impact of participating in the Community Gardening Project.
Food Use Places Project
Developing a tool to evaluate people's confidence to turn food waste into food use.
Distance Learning
Providing in-cell learning which recognises food as a rehabilitation tool
Food Roots Incubator Programme
Designing a curriculum which supports the development of Food Partnerships across London
Sustainable Food Places
A national programme supporting the successful devlopment of food partnerships to strengthen local food systems.
Rose Voucher
Assessing the feasilibty of a free voucher scheme which helps people on a low income purchase fruit and veg.
Pupils Voice
Learning about children's relationship with Universal Infant Free School Meals.
Breakfast Club Review
Evaluating the impact and suitability of breakfast clubs in addressing the health and wellbeing of school children.
School Food Matters Evaluation
Evaluating the school food improvement campaign led by School Food Matters.
Healthy Start Evaluation
Evaluating the national Healthy Start Programme.
Take Away Toolkit
A toolkit outlining the regulatory powers Local Authorities have in addressing the increase of unhealthy takeaway outlets.
Food and Criminal Justice
Helping people inside the criminal justice system make better food choices to support their physical and mental wellbeing.
Food Partnership Development
The creation of the Brighton and Hove Food Partnership.
Food Strategy Development
The development of food strategies across the UK including Brighton and Hove, the UK's first citywide food strategy.
Food Web Mapping
A toolkit which helps people understand their local food system and gives them the knowledge to change it.
Nourishing Young Minds
Supporting care leavers and young mums move towards independent living by sharing food and cooking skills.
FAB! Food and Wellbeing Training
Delivering food and wellbeing training in recognition of the connection between diet and mental health
Food Talks
Supporting children to engage with their parents and school community to gain more empowerment over their food choices.
Budget Bites
Helping people with meal planning, budgeting and diet in recognition of the impact a tight food budget has on health and confidence.
Get In Touch
Reach out to the Food Matters team to find out more about what we do, get involved or to collaborate with us on a future project.
Get In Touch
Get in touch with the Food Matters team to find out more about what we do or get involved. We also want to hear from you if you would like to collaborate with us on a future project.