Food Matters evaluated the impact and suitability of Breakfast Clubs, which provide breakfast and social time for children before starting the school day.
More than four million children in the UK are growing up in poverty and they may not have access to nutritious food. For children to be able to concentrate and learn in school, they need to have good food in their bellies.
“If we can help children develop a love of reading as well as giving them a healthy breakfast, we can hopefully give them an even better start in life”
~ Carmel McConnell, Magic Breakfast
Find out more
Download the evaluation report below.
“The best decision I ever took for Alexandra Rose Charity was to ask Food Matters to do a feasibility study for our Rose Vouchers project. The best part was their insistence on asking the potential beneficiaries what would work best for them. Result – a project which really works.”
Mike Morris, Chair, Alexandra Rose Charity
Find out more
Download the evaluation reports below.