Meet the Team

Victoria Williams


Helen Starr-Keddle

Deputy Director

Chris Kelly

Team Support Officer

Ben Messer

Community Engagement & Participation Lead

Helen Sandwell

Inside & Out Project Lead and Nutritionist

Freya Harrap

Inside & Out Project Officer and Nutritionist

Callum Etches

Sustainable Food Places Senior Project Officer

Sandy - Lambeth Food Partnership Coordinator

Sandy Persaud

Lambeth Food Partnership Coordinator

Meet the Trustees

Tim Marsh


Tim is an experienced Public Health policy professional. He is particularly interested in school food and diet related chronic disease. He has worked at a local, national and international level within NGOs, Government and academia.  

 ‘Being a trustee enables me to both develop organisational skills and work with a talented group of individuals, from a variety of backgrounds, on a number of stimulating issues within a friendly and entertaining environment.’ 

Lindy Sharpe


Lindy Sharpe is an academic researcher and former journalist. She has a PhD in sustainable food systems.   

‘Being a Trustee of Food Matters brings me into contact with a group of talented and dedicated people who are trying in all sorts of practical ways to help those experiencing hardship to find opportunity and wellbeing. And we usually mange to have a good laugh at board meetings’. 

Picture of our trustee - Colin Havard

Colin Havard


Colin is an experienced community development person, currently focusing on cohesion and poverty.  He also has extensive experience of being on organisational strategic management. 

 ‘I really enjoy being part of the FM team as I continue to learn from and be inspired by other board members and staff.’ 

Picture of our trustee - Kath Dalmeny

Kath Dalmeny


In her day job, Kath Dalmeny coordinates the Sustain food and farming alliance, supporting action across the food and farming system for health, fairness and sustainability. She is particularly interested in place-based action such as the Sustainable Food Places network, and support for people most marginalised in our food system, so is a long-term supporter of Food Matters and its pioneering work on these important issues. 

‘Food Matters is a really great group of people trying to make positive change happen in the food system, in a principled, connected, supportive, human-centred and down-to-earth (down to soil!) sort of way. I really love working with a team who values communities and the role that good policies, planning and decision-making can in creating the spaces and institutions that enable better ways of feeding ourselves and each other.’

Charlie Powell


Charlie has worked for a large number of charities campaigning for fair and sustainable policies. In recent years he has worked in the public sector. 

I value contributing to FM’s direction, learning from our friendly bunch of trustees and staying connected to food system issues which affect people’s health and wellbeing.’ 

Get In Touch

Reach out to the Food Matters team to find out more about what we do, get involved or to collaborate with us on a future project.

Get In Touch

Get in touch with the Food Matters team to find out more about what we do or get involved. We also want to hear from you if you would like to collaborate with us on a future project.